How to improve your website speed Step by step

 I will be guiding today on how to improve your website speed to 100% Free.

Are you new to web design, blogging or related field and you have been looking for How to Improve your website to 100% in short minutes without using numbers of plugins, today I will work you through how to improve your website speed.

When you test your website speed on websites like GTmetrics, Google Page Insights, Pingdom, Dareboot and many others, you will be shown some recommendations on how to improve your website which may seem technically hard for you to understand.

Let's walk through how to easily fix render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in WordPress websites so as to improve your PageSpeed score.

website speed

Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS Explained

Let's take it in a lay man's explanation: Render blocking JavaScript and CSS are files that prevent a website from displaying a web page before loading these files. So they indirectly increase page load speed and time.


Every WordPress website theme and plugins add JavaScript and CSS files to the front-end of your website. These scripts can block rendering of the page and prolong load speed and load time of your website.

wordpress website speed-wp rocket page

The user’s browser always load website scripts and CSS before loading the rest of the HTML on the page which causes long time loading depending on users internet connection speed

These scripts and stylesheets are referred to as render-blocking JavaScript and CSS.

Website owners who are trying to achieve the Google PageSpeed score of 100 will need to fix this issue to attain that perfect score.

It shows you a score based on the number of rules that your site passes. Most websites get somewhere between 50-70. However, some website owners feel compelled to achieve 100 (the highest a page can score).

How to Improve Your Website Speed to 100%

Many ask, why do I need to test my website speed and is it necessary?

Yes testing your website speed is very important as it provides you with information on how to improve your website performance, speed and ranking. A slower may have low SEO due to difficulty to access such website.

Every web developer or designer needs to learn how to improve their website speed and performance so as to be able to beat competitors and rank well. And more so it also improves users experience with your site.

It is very possible to have a fast website and still loose visitors to your website if you don't have contents that keep users visiting your website.

Your website contents matters a lot and they have to be unique. Your goal should be to create a fast website that offers a great user experience.

You may want to engage visitors in some puzzles, videos, images and some catchy contents to have returning visitors.

Therefore, Website Speed result and recommendations are very important to improve your website performance.

How to Fix Render Blocking Resources

To fix render blocking resources or render blocking scripts and css, I will advice you follow this procedure step by step using the recommended Plugin WP Rocket Plugin.

You will need to purchase the WP Rocket Plugin and then Install and after successful installation, activate the plugin then proceed with the steps below.

Move to WP Rocket From your Dashboard

wordpress website speed-wp rocket page

By WP Rocket default settings, JavaScript and CSS optimization is not turned on or activated because this plugin can affect your website in some way if there are plugin or theme conflicts and for this reason it is not activated by default

You will be asked to confirm if you want to turn on, click activate or turn on and proceed with the next step on how to improve your website speed and performance.

From your Wordpress Dashboard, Navigate to dashboard >> Settings >> WP Rocket

The WP Rocket Dashboard shows as display above. Hit the File Optimization Tab, Check the options below:

  • Minify CSS
  • Combine CSS Files
  • Optimize CSS Delivery
  • Minify JavaScript Files
  • Combine JavaScript Files
  • Optimize CSS Delivery
  • Load JavaScript Defered and
  • Safe Mode for jQuery

After this settings has been activated, click on the Save Changes button after which you clear cache with wp rocket.

Run the Page speed test again you will see that you've improve your website speed from low score to 100%.

How to Improve your website speed to 100

Thanks for following through as I have successfully guide you on how to improve your website speed to 100% in short simple steps.

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